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about us

Company and its affiliates own and operate several online auto classified and automotive information portals including without limitation and mobile applications thereof (collectively referred to as "Portals"). Company is inter alia also engaged in providing technology enabled digital marketing, engaged in providing lead generation, digital marketing, business auxiliary  services utilizing proprietary standards and specifications, sales and business techniques such as vehicle inspections and certifications, vehicle warranty, vehicle finance and other such services as may be


Includes, information, technology, data and know-how, strategy, marketing mechanism, algorithm, marketing and advertising tools and material, pricing information, algorithm, technology, business practice, trade secrets which is confidential and proprietary to either Party or its affiliate/group company and/or to certain third parties with which either Party or its affiliates has relationships, and disclosed to or
obtained by the other Party or its affiliates and/or such third parties, whether (without limitation) in graphic, written, audio, electronic or
machine readable form on any media or verbally and whether or not the information is expressly stated to be confidential or marked as such
and includes, but is not limited to information of value or significance

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